Kinsey Phelps, owner/designer

Kinsey Phelps, owner/designer


Blue Table Design’s primary focus is creating websites and providing branding services for both start-up and established businesses. Whether you're looking to update your existing website and print materials or just beginning your journey as a business owner, we specialize in designing products that truly reflect your goals and values as a business to create a fresh, cohesive aesthetic.


Many childhood masterpieces were created among cigar boxes of broken crayons and sugar cookie crumbs, at a little blue table in my grandparents’ dining room. I sat at that table for hours, declaring with certainty that I would one day be an artist. 

Many years and many jobs later, I am hardly the Van Gogh I envisioned at that young age; my work as  an "artist" has taken on a different form. My blue table is now a MacBook, and my broken crayons are Adobe Illustrator brushes. While planning our wedding a few years ago, and taking on far too many DIY projects than I’d ever recommend, I recognized that I am truly happiest while creating things amidst life's chaos. So, it was decided that finding an outlet to create for a living was a necessity, and Blue Table Design was born in 2015. The name: a nod to a happy childhood, when life was simple, and time flew by among coloring books and piles of construction paper.